
Merchandising Planning & Allocation (Assistant) Manager, ARC’TERYX

拠点 東京本社


Maximize Japan business through strategic merchandise planning & forecasting and in-season/off season inventory management
Manage Sales & Inventory Rolling Forecast and OTB for all channels - Brand Stores, EC, SIS, Specialty and Outlet




• The goal of the Planning function is to develop sales, inventory, and margin plans that support channels objectives, with a strong focus on in-season planning to increase Sell-Thru and Productivity.
• Partner with cross functional channel teams to create and maintain all planning, forecasting and reporting tools.
• - Gate-keeper of all inventory information
• Supervise Allocation activities and manage cross channel inventory re-balancing activities

• Develop and recommend category level sales and stocks plans and rolling forecast that align with channels objectives, financial targets and KPI
• Manage Open-To-Buy, store cluster and development of actionable analysis to drive business
• Partner with Buying/Merchandising team on Pre-season Merchandising and Assortment plans
• Manage NOOS rolling forecast by SKU
• In-Season management
• weekly/Monthly/Seasonal reporting, planning, and monitoring of sales, inventory, and margin
• Propose action plan to achieve channels and company targets and KPI
• Oversees Distribution / Allocations strategies
• Analyze product performance and make inventory re-balance and replenishment recommendations
• Product operations (store to store, consolidation, returns, etc)
• Track inbound-to-warehouse receipts for timely allocation to stores and Returns
• Follow-up product launch based on Delivery Status collaborating with MD, VMD and logistic team
• Lead Monthly Inventory Product Sales meeting to provide overview on Sales & inventory forecast and action plans
必須スキル・経験 • 5+ years of work experience in Merchandising Planning & Allocation
• Strong data management skill
• Excellent analytical skills
• Highly proficient PC skills (EXCEL, WORD, PPT) *EXCEL functions such as IF, VLOOKUP, Macro
• Business level written & verbal communication skills in both Japanese and English
• Team worker, self-starter, multi-tasked
歓迎スキル・経験 • Sportswear, Outdoor, Fashion Apparel & Accessories Brands
• Team/People management experience
• Power BI
求める人物像 • Strong business acumen with passion and curiosity
• Good communication and networking skills
• Enjoy Sports and activities
必要言語・レベル Business level English / Fluent Japanese
定員 1 名
想定給与 ご経験・面接評価を考慮し弊社規定により決定
勤務時間 9:30 – 18:15(実働7時間45分 休憩1時間)
休日・休暇 - 年間休日:128日以上(年度により多少前後)
- 有給休暇(入社時3日)
- 夏季・年末年始・会社創立記念日休暇
- リフレッシュ休暇(最大5日/年)
- アニバーサリー休暇(1日/年)
- シックリーブ(最大5日/年)
- ボランティア休暇(3日/年)
- その他特別休暇・慶弔休暇
- 積立休暇(消滅する有休を積立て:上限60日)
待遇 - 給与改定年1回
- 賞与年1回(インセンティブ)
- 退職金制度
- 確定拠出金制度
- 交通費実費支給
- 社会保険完備
- 社員割引制度(全ブランド対象)
- UR賃貸住宅入居優待
- 全国38,000施設の宿泊施設割引利用
- 各種スポーツクラブ法人契約(全国7,600ヶ所)
- 健康・メンタル24時間相談サービス
- 産前産後休暇制度(産前は8週間まで)
- 育児休暇・補助金(月極・一時保育補助)
- 介護休暇・補助金(保険超過分補助・用品購入補助)
- 無料eラーニング完備(約800講座)
- 全国約30,000店舗の飲食店割引利用
- マッサージ、エステ、日帰り温泉等割引利用
- 映画館・レジャー施設等割引価格利用


東京都新宿区新宿6-27-30 新宿イーストサイドスクエア6階


