
E-Merchandising Manager, Arc'teryx

拠点 東京本社


Job Mission
Develop and implement a comprehensive eMerchandising strategy to enhance the guest shopping experience, drive product discovery, and optimize stock flow and reporting.




概要・業務内容 補足 ・General Purpose of the Job
Set and execute the digital merchandising strategy to ensure an engaging and efficient online shopping experience. Manage visual merchandising, on-site product discovery, product education, and stock flow and reporting.

Main Responsibility
Setting eMerchandising Strategy
• Working with our global team, develop and implement an eMerchandising strategy that aligns with the company’s overall goals and objectives on revenue and engagement.
• Continuously analyze and optimize the merchandising strategy to improve customer engagement and conversion rates.
• Collaborate with the marketing and e-commerce teams to ensure the strategy is integrated into broader online initiatives.

Visual Merchandising
• Oversee the visual presentation of products on the website to ensure a consistent and appealing shopping experience.
• Develop and execute seasonal and promotional merchandising plans.
• Ensure that product pages are visually appealing and provide a seamless user experience.

On-site Product Discovery
• Optimize on-site search and navigation to improve product discoverability.
• Implement strategies to enhance product recommendations and cross-selling opportunities.
• Analyze user behavior to identify and address gaps in product discovery.
• Review seasonal merchandising touch points and implement new features where necessary.

Product Education
• Work with marketing to develop and manage content that educates customers about products, including features, benefits, and usage.
• Collaborate with the content team to create product descriptions, guides, and videos.
• Ensure that product information is accurate, up-to-date, and engaging.
• Review product page descriptions and ensure best translation and information for local consumer.
Stock Flow and Reporting
• Creating, managing, and delivering data-driven site merchandising strategies focusing on year-on-year sales growth, conversion, and engagement across Arc'teryx.jp
• Monitor and manage stock levels to ensure product availability and minimize stockouts.
• Coordinate with the supply chain and inventory management teand inams to optimize stock flow.
• Develop and maintain reporting systems to track inventory, sales, and merchandising performance.
• Provide insights and recommendations based on data analysis to improve stock management.
必須スキル・経験 • Minimum 5 years of experience in digital merchandising or e-commerce
• Proven track record of developing and executing successful merchandising strategies
• Experience managing a team
• Experience with e-commerce platforms and inventory management systems
求める人物像 Behaviours
• Strategic thinking
• Attention to detail
• Analytical mindset
• Strong communication skills
• Team spirit
• Customer-centric mentality
Specific Skills
• Strong understanding of digital merchandising and e-commerce principles
• Proficient in visual merchandising and on-site product discovery techniques
• Excellent project management skills
• Strong analytical skills to measure and optimize merchandising performance
• Proficient with e-commerce platforms and merchandising tools
必要言語・レベル ・Business Level English (Writing/ Reading/ Speaking)
・Fluent Japanese (Writing/ Reading/Speaking)
定員 1 名
想定給与 ご経験・面接評価を考慮し弊社規定により決定
勤務時間 9:30 – 18:15(実働7時間45分 休憩1時間)
休日・休暇 - 年間休日:128日以上(年度により多少前後)
- 有給休暇(入社時3日)
- 夏季・年末年始・会社創立記念日休暇
- リフレッシュ休暇(最大5日/年)
- アニバーサリー休暇(1日/年)
- シックリーブ(最大5日/年)
- ボランティア休暇(3日/年)
- その他特別休暇・慶弔休暇
- 積立休暇(消滅する有休を積立て:上限60日)
待遇 - 給与改定年1回
- 賞与年1回(インセンティブ)
- 退職金制度
- 確定拠出金制度
- 交通費実費支給
- 社会保険完備
- 社員割引制度(全ブランド対象)
- UR賃貸住宅入居優待
- 全国38,000施設の宿泊施設割引利用
- 各種スポーツクラブ法人契約(全国7,600ヶ所)
- 健康・メンタル24時間相談サービス
- 産前産後休暇制度(産前は8週間まで)
- 育児休暇・補助金(月極・一時保育補助)
- 介護休暇・補助金(保険超過分補助・用品購入補助)
- 無料eラーニング完備(約800講座)
- 全国約30,000店舗の飲食店割引利用
- マッサージ、エステ、日帰り温泉等割引利用
- 映画館・レジャー施設等割引価格利用


東京都新宿区新宿6-27-30 新宿イーストサイドスクエア6階


