
グリッドエンジニア (Grid Engineer )

拠点 Tokyo Office



・Develop electrical design, management and oversee grid and utility aspects of renewable energy projects.
・Lead design processes, costs, schedules, and make adjustments in collaboration with consultants, constructors, and contractors.
・Identify and troubleshoot problems during project execution.
・Arrange and participate in meetings with METI, Utility, vendors, and subcontractors.
・Prepare meeting minutes and agendas.
・Conduct site visits, generate technical evaluation reports.
・Coordination of self-inspections and support safety management during construction and commissioning.
・Assist the business development team in project evaluation, budget planning, and site investigations for solar, wind, or battery projects.
・Provide technical support to Asset Management and Operation and Maintenance teams during equipment commissioning, decommissioning, or repair.
・Support in the selection and integration of inverters and power electronics components.
・Implement monitoring and control systems for real-time performance analysis.
・Prepare technical documentation for System Impact Studies (SIS) and Grid Connection Approvals (GCA) for utility submission.
・Preparation of METI Notification of Construction (NOC). Coordination with different teams involved.
・Engage with METI on matters related to electrical components and grid connections.
・Facilitate technical discussions related to NTT.
・Prepare documentation for substation equipment, SCADA, and security equipment.
・Develop electrical designs, bills of material, RFQ packages, internal cost estimations, and quotation comparisons.
・Lead negotiations with third parties, suppliers, contractors, and public authorities.
・Prepare guidelines for substation self-inspections.
・Provide execution support as requested by the Chief Electrical Engineer (CEE) for the different project sites.
・Support the preparation of Electrical Safety Management and construction schedules.

Details will be provided during the interview.

「信頼」こそが、価値を生む時代。 あなたの”正しさ”が、必ず明るい未来に繋がります。

私たちヴィーナ·エナジー·エンジニアリングはアジア太平洋地域最大の再生可能エネルギー発電事業者 「ヴィーナ·エナジー」の一員として、国内の建設工事等の施工管理担うべく2019年に設立されました。ヴィーナ・エナジーでは、全プロジェクトの開発・設計・調達・建設・運営管理を自社で担っています。豊富なローカル知識に併せ、資材調達と施工管理の機能をグループ全体で一元化することによって、より良いリスク管理体制を築き、アジア太平洋地域において最も費用対効果の高い再生可能エネルギーの提供に努めています。

定員 1 名
勤務時間 9:00 – 18:00

(including lunch break of 1-hour, flexible hours system with core time between 11:00 to 15:00).
想定給与 ご経験値により応相談、書類選考通過後、個別にご案内致します。
休日・休暇 ・完全週休2日制(土・日)
・有給休暇(初年度16日付与、5年以上勤務 年間20日付与)
・特別休暇:Vena Day(年1日付与)
必須スキル・経験 Desired Skills
・Minimum 3 years’ experience of Electrical Engineer background Not a must they worked at Wind but would be great.
・Extra high voltage component knowledge
・Grid connection design knowledge
・Substation design knowledge
・Strong interpersonal and communication skills
・Proficiency with Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint
・Proactive and can-do attitude
・Fluent in Japanese (written and spoken Japanese)
必要資格・ライセンス Driver's License
待遇 ・社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金)
その他要件 試用期間6か月(無期雇用正社員)


勤務地:東京本社 ※プロジェクト先(日本全国)への出張が発生します。


Tokyo Office

東京都港区虎ノ門2-10-4 オークラプレステージタワー17F