
[Contract Employee Recruitment] International Exchange Program Operation

拠点 (株)早稲田大学アカデミックソリューション


Job Description: Operation of international exchange programs (dispatch and acceptance of international students)






Waseda University (Waseda Campus), or one of four other well-established universities in Tokyo, with campuses located in Minato-ku, Suginami-ku, Toshima-ku, Musashino City.

求人部署 Department: Academic Support Services Department-International Exchange Support Team, Outbound Exchange Support Team, Inbound Exchange Support Team
求人種別(職種) 事務・企画A
Job Type: Administrative & Planning A
業務内容詳細 Detailed Job Responsibilities:
- General administrative work for study abroad programs with overseas partner schools and related businesses (including verifying study abroad requirements, preparing application documents and residence status-related documents needed for travel, internal procedures, website updates, etc.)
- Responding to inquiries from students and parents (mainly via counter, phone, and email)
- Administrative communication with university faculty and staff
- Creating or assisting in the creation of study abroad documents, recruitment guidelines, pamphlets, etc.
- Scholarship administrative procedures
- Organizing information sessions and orientations
- Operating and accompanying international exchange events
- Supporting activities and operations of student groups
- Preparing materials for university meetings
- Supporting other teams related to international exchange, etc.
Note: Job responsibilities may vary depending on the work location.
求める人物像 Ideal Candidate Profile:
Motivated individuals who…
- can communicate effectively with students, overseas partner schools, faculty, and other stakeholders, and possess a hospitable mindset
- are passionate about study abroad programs
- are able to collaborate with other team members
- are capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously with precision and accuracy
- have a minimum of 3 years’ administrative experience in public institutions or private companies
Note: We are looking for individuals aspiring to become international exchange specialists.
求めるスキルとキャリア  Required Skills and Experience:
- Assured communication skills with students, parents, and university staff (including the ability to negotiate with clients in Japanese without stress)
- Hospitality mindset
- Teamwork skills
- Ability to conduct phone calls, face-to-face conversations, and business emails in both English and Japanese
- Proficient in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint (MS Access is a plus)
- TOEIC score of 800 or equivalent English proficiency
- Minimum 3 years of administrative experience in public institutions or private companies
Note: The applicant must hold a residence status which permits full-time work at the time of recruitment.
Note: Age and gender are not considered.
歓迎するスキルとキャリア Welcomed Skills and Experience:
- Experience in international exchange operations and student support at universities
- Travel and airline industry experience
- Event planning and management
- Experience in presenting and hosting events in English
- Study or work experience abroad
- Multitasking skills
- Business improvement skills
- More than 4 years of experience in a relevant role/field
契約開始日および契約期間 Contract Start Date and Period:
Start date negotiable (3-month probationary period) until March 31, 2024
Note: Subsequent renewal possible (up to 5 years)
試用期間 Probationary Period: 3 months
賃金 Salary:
Estimated annual salary: 3.36 to 3.67 million yen (monthly salary from 280,000 yen)
Note: Based on skills and experience, as per company regulations
Monthly salary example: 285,000 to 306,000 yen
Note: Overtime allowance paid separately
賃金支払 Salary Payment: 15th of every month (closing at the end of the month, paid on the 15th)
昇給の有無 Salary Increase: Once a year (based on work performance and personnel evaluation)
賞与 Bonus: Not applicable
勤務時間 Working Hours:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 17:30
Note: May vary depending on the university (e.g., 8:45 - 17:15)
(Includes 1-hour break, actual working time is 7 hours 30 minutes)
休憩 Breaks:
1 hour for work exceeding 6 hours
休日・休暇 Holidays and Leave:
Holidays) Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, October 21 (Waseda University Foundation Day)
Leave) summer break, year-end and New Year break, Golden Week
Note: Details as per the company work calendar. May vary by department.
休日・休暇に関する特記事項 Special Notes on Holidays and Leave:
Work on holidays based on the university calendar and events (compensatory leave for Saturday work)
時間外労働 Overtime:
Present (about 5-15 hours per month, approximately 20 hours during peak periods)
通勤手当 Commuting Allowance:
Actual expenses paid (up to 50,000 yen/month, as per company regulations)
社会保険、その他待遇 Social Insurance and Other Benefits:
Social insurance (employment insurance, workers' compensation insurance, pension, health insurance), regular health check-ups
Note: Annual medical check-up available for those over 30 years old, internal training programs, etc.
就業場所における屋内の受動喫煙対策 Measures against Indoor Passive Smoking at the Workplace:
Okuma Square Building: Yes (separated smoking rooms in the building)
Waseda University: Yes (complete indoor smoking ban, designated smoking areas outdoors within the campus)
応募方法  Application Method:
: Send CV/resume (with photo), along with a letter which states your motivation in applying for the position, to the following address:

Mailing Address:
1-9-12 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Waseda University Academic Solutions Corporation
Administrative Support Office
Attn: Recruitment for Academic Support Services Department, International Exchange Program Operation
Note: Please indicate "Recruitment Application Documents Enclosed" on the envelope.
Note: We will contact only those who pass the document screening.
Note: Application documents will not be returned. They will be used only for the purpose of this recruitment and will be responsibly destroyed after the selection process has been completed.
選考~採用の流れ Selection to Employment Process:
Document screening → Interview (2 times) & aptitude test → Job offer
Note: Interviews will be conducted in Japanese.
求人に関する問い合わせ先 Contact Information for this Job Opening:
For inquiries related to the job opening for the International Exchange Program Operation, please contact us via emil at recruit_22_a_w-as.jp.
*When sending an email, please replace "_a_" with "@".
定年制・雇用延長 対象外
Retirement System & Extension of Employment: Not applicable
定員 3 名
商号 株式会社早稲田大学アカデミックソリューション
本社所在地 新宿区西早稲田1-9-12 大隈スクエアビル2階
業務内容 システム開発・運用支援、国際交流支援、教材・カリキュラム開発、研究支援等、教育・研究の両面から大学運営に必要なソリューションを提供し、さらにそこで得た知見と成果を社会に還元していきます。