
Brand Media Specialist, Marketing 【UGG】

拠点 Deckers Japan 合同会社


As the UGG Brand Media Specialist, you will contribute to the overall brand media strategy and effective implementation, which includes the planning, execution, and optimization of on-going campaigns across all the paid platforms. You will be responsible for the day-to-day operations, appropriate ad content delivery, and quality control to achieve the brand’s KPIs, while working closely with external agencies and the Brand Communication Manager.

1 【本ポジションについて】

As the UGG Brand Media Specialist, you will contribute to the overall brand media strategy and effective implementation, which includes the planning, execution, and optimization of on-going campaigns across all the paid platforms. You will be responsible for the day-to-day operations, appropriate ad content delivery, and quality control to achieve the brand’s KPIs, while working closely with external agencies and the Brand Communication Manager.
2 業務内容(職責)

※ (%)は全体の業務に対する割合を指します

▼ Effective advertising content delivery and quality control for appropriate brand expression (50%)

- Understand and learn our brand’s target audiences and competitive landscape.
- Understand the global and local brand strategies.
- Utilize both global and local creative assets in a locally relevant way with appropriate brand tone & manner, which includes selecting the appropriate assets and delivering re-formatted content with suitable Japanese copy.
- Ensure consistent brand communication across the channels.
- Constantly monitor each performance and optimize the ads for the best outcome.

▼ Collaboratively support the brand’s media strategy and planning to better connect with our target audiences across all the paid platforms. (15%)

- Contribute to develop and execute the brand media plan, working closely with Brand Communication Manager.

▼ Manage external agencies to facilitate a smooth workflow to realize the best outcome. (15% )

- Will be the lead day-to-day contact for media agencies and platforms.
- Manage weekly, monthly, quarterly reports and optimize the media spend in a timely manner.

▼ Schedule and budget management. (15%)

- Ensure timely operations for each campaign launch and accurately perform budget tracking while measuring for efficacy.
- Responsible to track all media estimates and invoicing in timely manner.

▼ Team collaboration (5%)
- Collaborate with internal e-commerce, owned social media specialist, global omni channel marketing and marketing team to share brand media communication plans and results for effective full funnel communications.

3 【Work Experience】

- 4+ years’ experience in an advertising agency client service or in-house marketing communication division
- Experience of working across multiple functions with international teams preferred.


- Native Japanese, Business level proficiency in English both in verbal and written communications
- Collaborative and flexible team player, strong communicator, strategic thinker, excellent attention to detail, and fashion lover.
- Business level skill for Microsoft365 and basic knowledge of analytical tools for measurements
4 【Work Environment】

◇リモートワーク可能 (職責上で出社の必要がなければ、オフィスに出社する必要はありません。通勤にかかる時間やストレスを軽減し、自身のライフスタイルに合わせて働くことができます。)
◇コアタイム無しのフレックスタイム制 (6:00 AM~10:00 PM)
5 【Holidays and Leaves】
※124 holidays per year (2019)

6 ※副業・兼業不可

<Deckers Japan 本社> 東京都港区麻布台一丁目3番1号 麻布台ヒルズ森JPタワー27F



Deckers Japan 合同会社

東京都港区麻布台一丁目3番1号 麻布台ヒルズ森JPタワー27F

会社名 デッカーズジャパン合同会社
設立 2009年2月
本社 〒106-0041
代表(職務執行者) ジェネラルマネージャー リン・ジョアン
事業内容 - 靴、かばん、ベルト、皮革製品、アパレル製品、服飾雑貨品、織物、アクセサリー等の販売、卸売及び輸入
- インターネットを利用して、靴、かばん、ベルト、皮革製品、アパレル製品、服飾雑貨品、織物、アクセサリー等を通信販売すること
- 前各号に付帯関連する一切の業務
取扱ブランド UGG®, HOKA®, Teva®
取引銀行 香港上海銀行 東京支店
みずほ銀行 日本橋支店
親会社 Deckers Outdoor Corporation  (NYSE上場 Code:DECK)
