
Integrated Marketing Specialist_HOKA

拠点 Deckers Japan 合同会社

◆ 主な役割:
The JP Integrated Marketing Specialist is responsible for planning and execution of integrated seasonal marketing campaigns. This role will be owning the adaptation of global marketing materials to best suit the local needs, expansion on the global storytelling ideas to come up with local campaigns and delivery of locally relevant content. This role will work with all HOKA Japan Marketing team members (PR, Trade, FER, Digital, Sports Marketing and Operations) as well as external agency partners.

定員 1 名
1 【本ポジションについて】
The JP Integrated Marketing Specialist is responsible for planning and execution of integrated seasonal marketing campaigns. This role will be owning the adaptation of global marketing materials to best suit the local needs, expansion on the global storytelling ideas to come up with local campaigns and delivery of locally relevant content. This role will work with all HOKA Japan Marketing team members (PR, Trade, FER, Digital, Sports Marketing and Operations) as well as external agency partners.
2 【業務内容(職責)】

※ (%)は全体の業務に対する割合を指します

■ Seasonal integrated marketing campaigns (40%)

・Under the guidance of the Integrated Marketing Manager, develop campaign strategies and manage the creative development of seasonal brand and product integrated campaigns based on the annual brand marketing objectives, ensuring the creative work is on-brand, strategically focused and locally relevant.
・Work with all channel marketing members to transforming strategic initiatives into a comprehensive integrated marketing plan.
・Lead the local creative development and implementation work across all physical and digital channels, including but not limited to digital ad, OOH, film, text etc.

■ Creative asset management (25%)

・Lead the development of locally produced and globally adapted creative assets from agency briefing, content production to delivery ensuring all deliverables are on brief, delivered on time and meet the highest creative standards.

■ Brand guardian (15%)

・Responsible for ensuring global and local brand guidelines are created and met across all consumer messaging.
・Collaborate with MD team, agency partners and internal Marketing teammates for development of seasonal catalogs, ensuring product copies and creative are integrated and aligned with brand guidelines.

■ Analytics and research (10%)

・Assist the Integrated Marketing Manager with consumer research work, as needed

■Operations (10%)

・Support the management of external creative agencies, including identifying new partner candidates, contract management, invoicing, product briefing sessions, etc.
3 【Education/ Experience】
• Bachelor’s degree
• 6 years’ experience in a related role overseeing digital marketing, paid media, social media management etc.
• Experience with project management
• Experience operating effectively across cross functional teams
• Footwear or related industry experience is a plus
• Experience working with various project management tools and communications tools preferred

• Strong written and verbal communication skills in Japanese to interact with colleagues and the executive management professionally
• A high level of English proficiency is not required. Basic reading and writing skills are preferred.
• Organized and disciplined
• Able to find solutions to complex or ambiguous problems
• Innovative manager with people & processes
• Strong interpersonal skills with ability to navigate internal organization
• Experience working effectively in cross-functional capacities, satisfying the needs of diverse stakeholders, and often working under the pressure of competing and sometimes conflicting priorities.
• Ability to use independent judgment in performing all duties of the position

All leaders at Deckers Brands must be able to demonstrate our leadership behaviors –
• Come As You Are
• Better Together
• Commit To Create
4 【Work Environment】

◇リモートワーク可能 (職責上で出社の必要がなければ、オフィスに出社する必要はありません。通勤にかかる時間やストレスを軽減し、自身のライフスタイルに合わせて働くことができます。)
◇コアタイム無しのフレックスタイム制 (6:00 AM~10:00 PM)
5 【Holidays and Leaves】
※124 holidays per year (2019)

6 ※副業・兼業不可

<Deckers Japan 本社> 東京都港区麻布台一丁目3番1号 麻布台ヒルズ森JPタワー27F



Deckers Japan 合同会社

東京都港区麻布台一丁目3番1号 麻布台ヒルズ森JPタワー27F

会社名 デッカーズジャパン合同会社
設立 2009年2月
本社 〒106-0041
VP&GM 高桑 真
事業内容 - 靴、かばん、ベルト、皮革製品、アパレル製品、服飾雑貨品、織物、アクセサリー等の販売、卸売及び輸入
- インターネットを利用して、靴、かばん、ベルト、皮革製品、アパレル製品、服飾雑貨品、織物、アクセサリー等を通信販売すること
- 前各号に付帯関連する一切の業務
取扱ブランド UGG®, HOKA®, Teva®
取引銀行 香港上海銀行 東京支店
みずほ銀行 日本橋支店
親会社 Deckers Outdoor Corporation  (NYSE上場 Code:DECK)
